MuscleTech Platinum Garcinia Plus is a Garcinia Plus product that enhances muscle mass and muscle strength with the improvement of physical performance. Most of the body builders take full advantage of this product considering that its main component (60% HCA) comes from an all-natural herb that has been claimed to be effective in burning fats and thus toning the muscles. It is enhanced with Green Coffee to further promote weight loss.

What Does It Claim To Do?

  • Burns fats
  • Hastens weight loss
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Improves physical performance


  • Garcinia Cambogia. This component contains the 60% HCA which promotes the quick burning of fats and the loss of appetite. It is also a natural ingredient that can enhance the mood of the consumer.
  • 20mg Green Coffee. This ingredient is known to hasten weight loss with its cleansing processes. It also blocks fat production and stimulates energy building in the body’s mechanism.


The user must take in two caplets in a day given a 60 capsule bottle which is good for a month’s use. It is somehow more practical than most weight loss products in which talks 3 or more capsules in a higher frequency in less than 24 hours.

Possible Side Effects

There are no claims of any possible side effects. However, given the individual component, consumers might feel surfacing reactions of the body. That is why it is advised to be checked for underlying health conditions to avoid serious health complications.

Long Term Results

Yes. This product is designed for a long term approach. With the proper discipline in following the diet plan and the exercise regimen, consumers won’t have any problem with the time range of lasting outcome.


The original price of the product is $24.99; however it is now priced down to $16.99. This is to give more chances to those men who are interested but cannot afford the price.


There are no claims for any guarantee. Manufacturers see their product as effective so they are confident enough that the consumer won’t have anything to complain about.


The MuscleTech Platinum Garcinia Plusbody building product can have great benefits when used with proper routine of diet and exercise.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.