Natural Process Garcinia Cambogia Review

Natural Process Garcinia Cambogia is an all-natural product that is served in a tight packaging for safety measures. It is composed of the pure Garcinia Cambogia extract with 60% HCA responsible for the whole weight loss aim. By burning extra flabs and blocking fat production, consumers are guaranteed to have a quick and efficient loss of weight in no time. However, it is advised that consumers check with the packaging because it may vary according to the manufacturer.

What Does It Claim To Do?

  • Efficient weight loss
  • Burn fats
  • Block fat production


  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract. This component is said to be one of the most effective weight loss ingredients; having the HCA substance that basically do all the benefits of the said product.
  • 50mg Calcium. This component gives the main ingredient to soak up more which increases its bioavailability.
  • 200mg chromium. This component gives the main ingredient to soak up more which increases its bioavailability.
  • 50mg potassium. This component gives the main ingredient to soak up more which increases its bioavailability.


2 capsules must be taken in thrice a day. Best results are seen when it is consumed 30 minutes to 2 hours every before meal. This implies the use of 6 capsules per day, which is quite very expensive and impractical compared to other weight loss products.

Possible Side effects

There are no claims for possible side effects. However, consumers might want to check for allergic reactions with the given individual components.

Long Term Results

Yes. The product guarantees a long term result as long as the client has a diet and exercise routine.


The product costs $52.99 which is quite expensive given the fact of a high intake in dosage. Fortunately, the manufacturers are giving discounts and special deals to make it more available to all levels of consumers.


Manufacturers are giving a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee because they are more that confident that the consumers will find the product very effective.


Natural Process Garcinia Cambogia is a beneficial weight loss product as a whole.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

MuscleTech Platinum Garcinia Plus Review

MuscleTech Platinum Garcinia Plus is a Garcinia Plus product that enhances muscle mass and muscle strength with the improvement of physical performance. Most of the body builders take full advantage of this product considering that its main component (60% HCA) comes from an all-natural herb that has been claimed to be effective in burning fats and thus toning the muscles. It is enhanced with Green Coffee to further promote weight loss.

What Does It Claim To Do?

  • Burns fats
  • Hastens weight loss
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Improves physical performance


  • Garcinia Cambogia. This component contains the 60% HCA which promotes the quick burning of fats and the loss of appetite. It is also a natural ingredient that can enhance the mood of the consumer.
  • 20mg Green Coffee. This ingredient is known to hasten weight loss with its cleansing processes. It also blocks fat production and stimulates energy building in the body’s mechanism.


The user must take in two caplets in a day given a 60 capsule bottle which is good for a month’s use. It is somehow more practical than most weight loss products in which talks 3 or more capsules in a higher frequency in less than 24 hours.

Possible Side Effects

There are no claims of any possible side effects. However, given the individual component, consumers might feel surfacing reactions of the body. That is why it is advised to be checked for underlying health conditions to avoid serious health complications.

Long Term Results

Yes. This product is designed for a long term approach. With the proper discipline in following the diet plan and the exercise regimen, consumers won’t have any problem with the time range of lasting outcome.


The original price of the product is $24.99; however it is now priced down to $16.99. This is to give more chances to those men who are interested but cannot afford the price.


There are no claims for any guarantee. Manufacturers see their product as effective so they are confident enough that the consumer won’t have anything to complain about.


The MuscleTech Platinum Garcinia Plusbody building product can have great benefits when used with proper routine of diet and exercise.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

impNutritions Garcinia Cambogia Review

impNutrtiions has already discovered the weight loss potential that is seen from Garcinia Cambogia extracts. Since more and more people are already geared to availing such similar weight loss products from Garcinia Cambogia plant, impNutritions Garcinia Cambogia Dietary Supplement considers to take the initiative in invest in a potential weight loss solution.

It is known to control the appetite of the user. Furthermore, it also helps in the production of healthy levels of lipids in the body while it blocks those enzymes in one’s body that is considered to be responsible for converting energy or sugar in fat cells.


This supplement is known to have the following ingredients that have made such product to be effective and functional.

  • Potassium

This is in the form of hydroxycitrate which helps in the regularization of the normal function in the body system.

This is in the form of Calcium which is used to help in conditioning the body necessary for the facilitation of weight loss program.


Remember that this is only to be taken as a dietary supplement. This is also in a form of a veggie cap and it must be taken 2 times on a daily basis. It is recommended that it should be taken 1-2 hours prior to meal.

Possible Side Effects

The impNutritions Garcinia Cambogia Dietary Supplement contains purely 100% of natural ingredients. Thus, it does not pose any possible threat or danger on the part of whoever will be taking such supplement.


This supplement is cost at around $42.99 which can be discounted to $39.99.


Having passed the standards as set by the GMP, one should be rest assured that it is safe and that it also offers a money back guarantee if it does not provide any result.


Given its positive feedback, one should know that because of its price, most people might have to get another option which is cheaper and even more effective weight loss product.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Garcinia Cambogia Select Review

Garcinia Cambogia comes in different shapes and forms. One of which is that it has taken form of Garcinia Cambogia Select. One should know that it promises the same as other garcinia cambogia products does. Indeed, there are no same garcinia products out there. And what Garcinia Cambogia Select can offer to the table is entirely different ad unique from the rest.

Now, based from the usual garcinia cambogia products, the Garcinia Cambogia Select is intended to boost your metabolism and at the same time, it burns off fats while the body may normally convert the energy to unwanted fats. What is best about the Garcinia Cambogia Select is that said product is deemed to make you thinner and fitter in just a matter of weeks. For as long as you take the right dosage, you are definitely gearing towards a slimmer you.


Calcium is one of the most important and key ingredient in this product. The main function of this product is that it helps regulate the normal metabolism o the body. Moreover, it helps ensure that it normalizes the system in the body for a proper weight loss transition.

It has 1000 mg of garcinia cambogia extract and that it contains only the most premium content of 50% HCA.


The ideal dosage is that it should be taken twice on a daily basis prior to taking meals.

Possible Side Effects

The Garcinia Cambogia Select contains only the finest ingredient that is rest assured to be safe and all natural. No harmful side effects were noted here.


The product costs around $32.99 but it can be discounted to $26.99.


The product provides a 30 day warranty for full return should the client or the user is not satisfied with the said product.


All in all, the Garcinia Cambogia Select has the lesser potent effect as compared to other Garcinia Cambogia products.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Bio-Smart Garcinia Cambogia Review

This weight loss product having a high HCA content of 75% in composition claims to be a product of pure Garcinia Cambogia extract. It blocks the production of fats and burns the extra pounds. It is also a product that can make you lose your appetite. It is tightly sealed with packaging that may vary according to the manufacturers’ designated output. It has no fillers and or binders; which makes it an all-natural product.

What It Claims To Do

  • Reduces fat production
  • Burns extra fats
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Reduces cravings
  • Improves weight management
  • Promotes health management


  • Garcinia Cambogia extract. This component is responsible for almost all beneficial gains of the product. With it containing 75% HCA, it hastens each of its effects in full speed compared to other weight loss products. It burns fats while also promoting the good signs of losing weight.
  • This ingredient is a supporting component for the overall product to improve the features of the major ingredient.
  • Magnesium stearate. This kind of ingredient supports the main component by enhancing its soaking up ability and increasing its bioavailability.
  • Calcium Carbonate. This type of ingredient supports the main component by enhancing its soaking up ability and increasing its bioavailability.


The consumer must take in a minimum of 1500mg per day with a full length glass of water an hour before a meal. This is to facilitate a more effective way of enhancing the weight loss supplement.

Possible Side Effects

There are no claims for possible side effects; however, it is still advised that consumers may take precautionary measures upon using the product because the individual ingredients may cause allergic reactions to the body.

Long Term Results

The product will produce a long term outcome as long as the whole discipline of the diet regime is being followed.


The product costs $31.95 which is a very practical expense considering that other weight loss products can cost more.


There are no claims for any guarantee. The manufacturers do not find any reason to put guarantees because of the satisfaction that consumers will find in the product.


Although the product is practical in terms of its dosage and its list price in the market, it still has the downside of having no clinical trials that would prove its efficacy.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Allbefit Garcinia Cambogia Extract Review

Allbefit Garcinia Cambogia Extract is a weight loss supplement made up with 60% HCA which is claimed to be an effective fat burning substance with the touch of mood enhancer. This product suppresses the appetite thus the total halt of your cravings for hearty meals. It is also an all-natural product which makes it safe to all possible consumers. It comes in wholesale prices for the sake of convenience.

What Does It Claim To Do?

  • Burns fats
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Blocks fat production
  • Enhances mood


  • 60% HCA
    • Burns fat
    • Suppresses appetite
    • Blocks fat production
    • Enhances mood
  • 50mg Calcium
    • Supports bioavailability of main component
  • 200mcg Chromium
    • Supports bioavailability of main component
  • 50mg Potassium
    • Supports bioavailability of main component


The consumer must take in 2 capsules per day 30 minutes before a meal. This is more practical compared to other products that take 3 capsules in thrice the frequency per day.

Possible Side Effects

There are no claims for possible side effects. However, the individual components of the product may take toll on the body’s mechanism given that each person varies in health. It is advised to consult someone before taking in products such as this to ensure that you do not have underlying health conditions in which you are taking in medication that can harmfully interact with the ingredients of the product.

Long Term Results

Given the situation that you are abiding the rules of your diet plan and exercise regime, this supporting supplement guarantees a long term approach on the issue of weight loss.


A bottle of Allbefit Garcinia Cambogia Extract containing 120 capsules which is a good use for 60 days costs 67$. However, manufacturers are lowering down prices to be able to give more opportunity to those less advantaged people.


The manufacturers of the product give 100% money back guarantee if ever clients found unsatisfactory results about the product. This is because they are confident enough that there is no need to use this feature since their product is said to be effective.


Allbefit Garcinia Cambogia Extract does have benefits of weight loss.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

nutribody Pure Garcinia Cambogia Review

There are many weight loss products containing Garcinia Cambogia that are being advertised on the web today. Some have proven effective while others still yet to prove their worth. Nutribody Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract is one of the proven effective brands. It has 80 percent HCA – the highest in the market today. HCA or Hydroxictric Acid is the component responsible for increasing the body’s serotonin levels, which results to suppressed appetite. When that happens you will eat less than you normally do and you start losing weight naturally.

HCA also helps in improving the body’s ability in burning fat. By blocking the enzyme called Citrate Lyase, HCA is able to stop the body from creating fats from the stored carbohydrates. Additionally, this product also improves metabolism.


The Garcinia Cambogia product from Nutribody contains the highest formulation of HCA at 80 percent compared to the 60, 65 and 75 percent on the other brands. Each capsule has 700 mg (only 500 mg for other brands) and each bottle contains 120 veggie capsules, which completes a 30-day supply of the recommended 2800 mg a day. This product is US manufactured and approved by the FDA. It has no artificial ingredients, preservatives, fillers and binders.

Other ingredients include:

  • 35 mg Potassium
  • 35 mg Calcium


Recommended dosage of this product is 4 capsules a day that equals 2800 mg/day. At 700 mg per capsule, you should take two capsules twice a day to get the best results.

Side Effects

No bad side effects have been reported for this product.


The Garcinia Cambogia Extract from Nutribody comes with a money-back guarantee if you do not achieve the results that you are aiming for. This means that this product offers a win-win situation for you; you either lose weight or you get your money back.


The fact that this product contains the highest HCA at 80 percent makes it a very popular choice among people who are longing to lose weight fast. Several of those who have tried it have proven the efficiency of the brand and they do recommend it to other people with the same goals.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Naturalico Garcinia Cambogia Review

Claiming to suppress appetite, stop the body from producing fat, and support lean muscle production, Naturalico provides customers with many of the elements needed to successfully lose weight. However, when researching this product to discover how effective it truly is, no reviews were found. For this reason, we will have to examine several elements concerning this product in order to deduce if it is truly an effective Garcinia Cambogia product.



Upon examining Naturalico, we discovered the following ingredients to be in each capsule:

  • Garcinia Cambogia – 700mg containing 80% HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) a percentage within the realm of success.
  • Calcium Carbonate – 35mg – although Naturalico claims this is a naturally occurring ingredient, this is confusing since calcium actually reduces the effectiveness of HCA.
  • Chromium – 140mcg
  • Postassium Chloride – 35mg


It is recommended that consumers take 1 capsule 2 times a day, 20-30 minutes before a meal. It is also suggested that each capsule be taken with 8 oz. of water.


Naturalico can be purchased on Amazon for $9.99. With each purchase, customers receive 180 capsules, equivalent to a 3 month supply.


Customers’ satisfaction is important. That is why Naturalico backs its product with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you don’t lose weight, you will get your money back. This is a solid guarantee as long as it has no specific time limit. If it does, this could invalidate the guarantee if results do not show within that time frame.


From examining the information provided above, we can see that Naturalico does have some good advantages. However, with these advantages come disadvantages. First and foremost, it is a little concerning that there are no customer reviews of this product. Before purchasing, customers always desire to know how others have liked the product. No reviews make new users a little hesitant to try a product. Another concern regards the ingredient calcium. Although Naturalico states test show calcium to be a benefit to weight loss, others have shown this actually reduces the effectiveness of the fat burning component, HCA. Even though Naturalico has a small dosage of calcium compared to other calcium included supplements, it still must be put on the list of those supplements that are less effective. A final disadvantage is the dosage of Garcinia Cambogia. Based upon tests, a daily dosage of 1600mg or more is required for the most effective weight loss results. Because Naturalico only offers a daily dosage of 1400mg, users will suffer a deficiency of 200mg, thus reducing the chance of success.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Futurebiotics Garcinia Cambogia Review

A red dark bottle, clean and clear package, showcases the idea behind the 100 % vegetarian Futurebiotics Garcinia Cambogia. Futurebiotics Gracinia Cambogia is a vegetarian Supplement for people who are looking for those extra needs for fat loss.  According to research, it might prevent fat storage and control appetite. The product seems to be good but no reviews are present to clarify the fact supporting it.

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit which is sometimes called Malabar tamarind or brindal berry. It is small, bitter-tasting, tropical, pumpkin-shaped fruit. Its roots of the plant belongs to Indonesia, currently it grows throughout India, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. The plant generally thrives in moist forest.

Garcinia fruit belongs to different long traditional dishes, including chutneys and curries. The fruit also contains an active compound hydroxycritic acid naturally found in fruit rind.



The dosage should be taken as a dietary supplement for adults, as 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before each  meal. The dosage should be changed, if recommended by a healthcare professional.

The amount per serving is as follows:

  1. Calcium (as hyroxycitrate) – 85gm
  2. Garcinia cambogia extract(fruid rind) which is standardized for 50% hydroxycritric acid (HCA) – 500mg

The directions are clear to keep it away from children and do not under pregnancy or under nursing. The supplement contains no added sugar, salt, wheat, gluten, starch, dairy, preservatives, artificial colors or animal products.


One 500 mg bottle cost around 15$. The cost is not clearly provided on the site but other sources cite it around 15$.


Futurebiotics Gracinia Cambogia looks promising but it contains only 50 % hydroxycritic acid(HCA) which just matches the minimum criteria for effective fat lost formula. Slightly higher percentage of HCA, might have been better and bring better results. On top of this, it contains calcium which further reduces the effect of dose. This all factors can effect the pills make on fat and might be almost non-existent in real life usage.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.

Natures Pure Garcinia Cambogia Review

Claiming to help people lose weight, control their appetite, and burn fat, Natures Pure supplement sounds too good to be true. However, it doesn’t stop there; Natures Pure also states their supplement can help control moods. With these life changing elements, it is no wonder many have opted to try their product. But is this product really that effective? To deduce the answer, we have researched many reviews. While some have complained of ineffectiveness and bad results, many have found the desired success. For this reason, let us take a closer look at this product.


The following ingredients have been discovered to be in 2 capsules of Natures Pure:

  • Garcinia Cambogia – 1000mg containing the 60% HCA (Hydroxycitirc Acid) needed for effectiveness.
  • Calcium – 80mg – The bottle alludes to the fact that this is a naturally occurring ingredient which is confusing since calcium reduces the effectiveness of HCA.
  • Potassium – 120mg


Natures Pure suggest two different dosages for their product. As a dietary supplement, consumers should take 2 capsules 3 times a day, ½-2 hours before food. As a weight loss supplement, consumers should take 3 capsules 3 times a day with a full glass of water, ½-2 hours before food.


This product can be purchased on Amazon for $17.99. With this purchase, customers will receive 90 capsules, equivalent to a 10-15 day supply. There is no indication that customers receive a discount for purchasing multiple bottles.


In the process of researching this product, no guarantee can be found. This lack of a guarantee is something customers should be concerned about as there is no safety net for void results.


Although there have been satisfied customers of Natures Pure, reviewing the information above provides information that could lead to future dissatisfied customers. First concerns the ingredient calcium. It is rather confusing that Natures Pure lists this ingredient as naturally occurring since calcium is actually known to reduce the effectiveness of the fat burning HCA. Therefore, because of its inclusion, this supplement will not be as effective as supplements which have none. The second element of concern is the quantity of daily pills. With both dosages, consumers will have to take 6-9 pills per day. This is a large amount considering most people shy away from taking more than two pills a day. A third problem concerns the lack of a guarantee. Guarantees show a company’s assurance in their product. Because of the lack, we have to wonder how effective Natures Pure deems its product. A company should always promote guarantees as it creates a safety factor for those buying their product.

Click here to learn about our Top Garcinia Cambogia products.