What Is Garcinia Cambogia?


What Is Garcinia Cambogia?

If you want an idea of what the Garcinia Cambogia fruit looks like, imagine a small pumpkin. Indigenous to Asia, the extract of this fruit has made waves in the weight loss industry. The active ingredient, HCA, is said to be able to reduce your appetite and to rev up fat burning. It would appear, at least according to research on rodents, that this holds true. Results in human trials have been inconclusive.

How Garcinia Cambogia Works

HCA works by inhibiting Citrate Lyase, an enzyme that helps kick off the conversion of carbs into fats. With the reduction in the enzyme due to the HCA, the body has no choice but to use those carbs instead of storing them as fats.

It was also found to reduce the body fat percentage and to promote a reduction in the amount eaten by curbing the appetite in animal trials. In human trials, the results are not conclusive – some studies have had excellent results with those taking the supplement losing double the amount of weight that those taking the placebo did. Others, however, have found there to be little difference.

One of the latter studies, conducted by respected scientists, saw no statistically significant difference between the two groups after a 3 month period. The study has, however, come under fire due to the high fiber content of the diet of the participants. It is theorized that the absorption of HCA is affected by the amount of fiber ingested at the same time. The main criticism leveled at the researchers was that they did do tests to ensure that the HCA uptake was successful.For the most part, it is safe to use Garcinia Cambogia. You do need to be careful and should avoid it if any of the following apply though:

  • Pregnant women.shutterstock_pregnant-woman-and-child
  • Women who are breastfeeding.
  • Children
  • People with Diabetes Mellitus
  • People with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

When it comes to those suffering from Dementia, HCA might cause the formation of Acetylcholine in the brain. In diabetics it could cause blood sugar to dip to low – when it comes to adults who are healthy, this could cause problems in terms of cravings for sugary foods.

Most supplements come in the form of a capsule with a standardized level of HCA. When it comes to supplementation, you are advised to look for a product with at least a 50% concentration of HCA. In general, you will take between two and three doses a day, on an empty stomach, around about a half an hour before meals.

Consult Your Doctor

There are those who claim that the real effect cannot be seen until the product has built up enough in the system. HCA could also be useful in assisting those who are at goal weight to stay there. If you are considering taking this supplement, you need to ensure that you see your doctor ahead of time and that you also adopt a healthy lifestyle as well. Taking the supplement is not a license to abandon a healthy eating plan.

The Wonders Of Garcinia Cambogia

The Wonders Of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia has been valued in Asia and Africa as a valuable food for centuries. It was only recently, however, that it came to the attention of the western world as an extremely useful weight loss aid.

Those who are really battling to lose the extra pounds might have finally found the solution to their problem. Who knew Mother Nature would hold the answer all along?

The Miracle That Is Garcinia Cambogia

The Wonders Of Garcinia CambogiaThis supplement is often referred to as a miracle solution because of the fact that it works so quickly and does not require a lot of work on the consumer’s part. For the most part, dieting is not fun at all – you have to undergo strict deprivations and often end up feeling unhappy and unmotivated. As a result, you battle to stick to the plan or, as soon as you go back to “normal” eating, your weight starts to climb again.

That’s where Garcinia can be extremely useful almost anyone can take it and it helps to lose weight in three different ways:

  • The appetite is reduced and the production of glycogen is increased. With higher levels of glycogen in the liver, your body registers a higher degree of fullness and you literally need to eat less.
  • A big problem experienced by most overweight people is the excessive consumption of carbs and sugar. The body transforms excess amounts of both into fat – to be stored for later use. Garcinia Cambogia blocks this by interfering with the way Citrate Lyase works. The decreased action of this enzyme reduces the amount of fat produced in the body. The body is simply not able to do anything with the carbs and sugar aside from convert them to energy.
  • Another firm health benefit is that the LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels within your system are reduced. This is really good news when it comes to heart health and decreasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Endocrinologists dealing specifically with overweight patients have found that the overall size and volume of the fat cells are decreased when supplementing with Cambogia. This is particularly important when it comes to obesity – your fat cells will never decrease in number but each cell will hold less fat and so the overall appearance will improve.

The Results Speak For Themselves

The Wonders Of Garcinia CambogiaMost users report losing weight in as short a time as the first week after starting to use this supplement – even if no other changes were made. There are few, if any, diets that can boast similar encouraging and easy results.

In fact, most diets are extremely restrictive and very tedious. People become bored or feel deprived and it is very easy, when in this frame of mind, to simply give up on the diet altogether.

Natural Weight Loss Supplements Are Better

Once the HCA, the active ingredient, starts getting to work, you will find that you feel less hungry and have more energy.

That is because the body is no longer converting the carbs you eat to fat but to energy for use. You not only start to lose fat but your body also slows down when it comes to producing it as well.

Is This For Real?

It does sound a little too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, you can expect to lose weight and to have more energy, without too much change in lifestyle on your part. Obviously you will see more profound results if you also exercise and follow a healthy eating plan but this is not entirely necessary.

Garcinia Cambogia can help you to eat less, feel more energetic and lose weight. It has been scientifically proven to do so.

Why Choose Garcinia Cambogia?

Why Choose Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is one of the leading weight loss ingredients today. Why is this? First of all, it is pretty versatile – the extract, HCA, revs up fat burning and impacts on the way that we metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats allowing you to be more fit and healthy.

How Exactly Does This Supplement Work?

  1. In studies conducted on animals, it has been found that it works in two separate pathways. To start off with, it blocks the conversion of sugars and starches into fat.
  2. It then increases the oxidation of excess carbohydrates and lipids. As a result, this results in lower levels of lipids and cholesterol in the blood and that is a good thing.
  3. Spare glucose is converted into glycogen rather than into fat. Also an extremely good thing.
  4. It is glycogen that indicates to the brain that we have eaten enough food. This glycogen production thus has a two-pronged benefit – reduced fat storage and a reduced appetite.
  5. It also acts on our Central Nervous Systems by increasing the levels of the feel good hormone – Serotonin. We fell happier and calmer and less comfort eating becomes necessary.
  6. The promotion of Thermogenesis is increased. This is the process by which the body produces heat. The more heat that is burned, the more calories are used and this also helps to whittle away the fat stores.

Some Other Natural Supplements for Losing Weight Include:

Some supplements combine other weight loss remedies in order to boost the effects. These include Chromium, 5 HTP and St. John’s Wort.

What The Fruit Is Used For Traditionally:Why Choose Garcinia Cambogia?

  1. Rheumatism
  2. Piles
  3. Bilious affections
  4. Antioxidant
  5. Astringent
  6. Bowel complaints
  7. Demulcent
  8. Anti-Catarrhal
  9. Cardio Tonic
  10. Anti-Cancer
  11. Thermogenic
  12. Intestinal Parasites
  13. Edema
  14. Delayed menstruation
  15. Constipation

Uses Of Garcinia Cambogia That Have Been Clinically Approved:

For Weight Loss:

One study with 60 participants – both women and men – involved one group taking the supplement for two months and the other taking a placebo. Those taking Garcinia Cambogia lost more weight than the control group.

Another study, conducted on rodents illustrated how effective this fruit is when it comes to preventing the accumulation of body fat. The study also set out to prove the safety of high doses of the supplement. The rats were given extremely high doses daily and it was found that they suffered no ill effects – the supplement was pronounced safe for use. It was also found that the supplement prevented lipids from accumulating in the actual fat cells – the cells get smaller.

A different study, conducted over a three month period, proved that it was valuable in the management of weight. They used a concentration of 60% HCA and it was discovered that it promoted the oxidation of fat, enhanced the levels of serotonin and made it more bio-available, reduced the levels of leptin and normalized lipid profiles.

Why Choose Garcinia Cambogia?The study also set about to test the safety of the product and found that it was safe in terms of all criteria – they ran a battery of tests from the effect on the mouth tissues, allergic reactions and carcinogenic reactions.

HCA has been proven to be safe for humans to use. A study was conducted in order to test the efficiency of HCA in terms of overall weight and the fat gene expression profile when it came to rodents. The results were that HCA did help to restrict the amount of fat the rats gained. It was found that whilst the levels of lipids in abdominal fat were lowered, plasma levels remained unchanged.

In a different study, the extract was proven to have a strong inhibitory effect on Citrate Lyase. This enzyme is responsible for converting Citrate into Oxalcitrate and Acetyle Coenzyme A. The latter is important when it comes to converting carbohydrates into fats. As a result, the Garcinia Cambogia has a direct impact on how much weight you actually gain. This same study also studied how a 3.3% Garcinia Cambogia extract affects the levels of insulin and leptin. It was found that it acted a great deal like the hormone leptin and helped to rev up the metabolism of glucose.

The study results have not always been good – in one study, albeit a controversial one, no significant results were noted when it came to the body fat percentage. In terms of the results published by this study, the extract did not give significantly different results to those witnessed by the control group.

Upon later review, it was discovered that the participants ate a diet high in fiber and this is thought to have negatively impacted the HCA absorption. It was noted that researchers ought to also have measured the blood levels of HCA throughout the study as well.

In any event, most people who are taking HCA aren’t eating right anyway – not many of us get nearly enough fiber and certainly not enough to replicate the results of this study.

Cambogia Could Prevent Gastric Ulcers:

The extract has been proven to be effective at shoring up the stomach’s defense mechanism – the mucosal lining. As a result, it could help prevent you getting a gastric ulcer.

In studies on rodents, the supplement proved to decrease the acidity of the stomach and increase the strength of the mucosal lining.

In this trial, 1 gram of extract for ever kg of weight was given daily for between 5 and 15 days. The rats were given Indomethacin in order to induce an ulcerating effect. The supplement performed very well and brought down both the overall acidity and quantity of the gastric juices. Aside from this effect, the supplement was proven to promote the defensive capabilities of the gastric system’s mucosal lining.