How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia Extract

How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia Extract

When it comes to one of the most talked about supplements to aid weight loss, the extract of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit has far outstripped the others. The buzz doesn’t seem set to die down any time soon either – people all over the world want to know how it works, why it works and what supplement is best for them.

Rewind To 2012

The buzz began when Dr Oz first discussed this the Garcinia Cambogia fruit with Dr Julie Chen on his show in 2012. According to Dr Chen, studies had proven that you would lose double or triple the amount of weight loss if using the supplement than you would have if you merely dieted and exercised.How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia Extract

According to Dr Chen, what makes the Garcinia Cambogia so effective is that it has a dual action – not only does it directly affect weight loss through revving up fat burning and decreasing your appetite, but it also indirectly assists by increases the levels of serotonin in the brain. (Important for those who eat to cope with emotions.)

She did also mention that some people never saw results on the scale but found that their bodies gained more muscle and were thus leaner and trimmer. (It is really important not to worry about the scale too much.)

Dr Oz went on to endorse the extract but not any particular brand. As with all supplements that he discusses on his show, he warns against buying products that purport to be endorsed by him directly. It is good to remember that he endorses the active ingredient but never actually a specific brand.

Here Are His Tips On Choosing The Right Garcinia Cambogia Supplement:

Start by looking at the label. To be effective, you need to see the following:

  • Either GCE or Garcinia Cambogia Extract.
  • HCA of at least 50%.
  • A product that also contains Potassium as this helps promote absorption.
  • Nothing else in terms of any fillers or unnatural ingredients.
  • This is not a product to take if you are pregnant, lactating or suffering with dementia.
  • If you have diabetes or take statins daily, you will need to consult your doctor before taking the supplement.

The Dosage And Optimal Time To Take It

How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia ExtractYou will need around about 500mg-1000mg taken on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before eating, before breakfast, lunch and supper. You should not exceed a total of daily dosage of 3000mg.

The Marketers Caught On

Dr Oz was right about the marketing push – not long after his review, the adverts started for several different brands. This made it tougher on the end consumer – how do you wade through the hundreds of brands out there?

Where To Get Your Garcinia Cambogia Supplement

Most of us do want to give the extract a try but we don’t want to throw money away on supplements that are ineffective or priced too high. Where then can you actually go?

One tip is to stick with a reputable company that has been around for a while and that has a reputation to protect such as Vitamin Shoppe or GNC. If you see a brand that claims to be endorsed by Dr Oz, you should definitely avoid them – if they are lying about that, what else are they lying about?

It is also a good idea to stay away from a vendor that uses “Garcinia” in their company name. They clearly have just opened up shop for the sale of that particular product and will not be worried about establishing a lasting brand.

If you are concerned, you can always check out when the website of the vendor was registered – this is fairly simple – go to the website and find the “Lookup” field. Type the web address of the vendor and you will see when it was set up. If this was in 2012, it is most likely that the site was only set up in response to the Dr Oz show.

So Which Is The Best Brand Out There?

What you want to do once again is to stick with a reputable vendor. A company that worries about its ongoing reputation is going to be more careful about where it sources supplies, etc. than one who only wants to make a quick buck.

How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia ExtractLook for a local supplier where possible in order to cut down on shipping costs and to make it easier to take advantage of guarantees on offer. (Think about it for a moment, international postage can be prohibitively expensive – even if you want to return the item, it might cost more than it is worth to do so.

Local companies are also easier to contact and get more information about.

Remember, a reputable company will welcome the chance to answer your questions about their product as they know that is a good way to get you to feel confident enough to buy.


There Are Tons of Reviews Online

Do take these with a pinch of salt – of course the vendor will not be posting negative reviews on their site. Even the reviews on a site like Amazon are not 100% reliable – marketers will often pay people with Amazon accounts to review their products and they don’t pay for negative reviews.

How To Select A Garcinia Cambogia ExtractReviews on a site linked directly to the selling of the product, like the company’s site or an affiliate site are generally not that reliable. Also watch out for reviews that are only positive – this supplement will not work for everyone. Look around for an independent site that reviews a range of products but doesn’t necessarily sell them for an objective opinion.

To Sum Up

The market is flooded with different brands when it comes to GCE so it can be tough to make the right choice. It also seems that the GCE may not work for everyone so you need to be more realistic in terms of your expectations.

Here are some tips for choosing the better supplements:

  • Look for a local vendor who has a reputable brand and who has more than just that product for sale.
  • If the seller claims that their particular brand was endorsed by Dr Oz, or imply that, avoid them, they are not telling the truth.
  • Steer clear of websites or companies that use “Garcinia” in their names.
  • Be careful if a site claims that there are only a few more left on offer – this is a hard sell technique meant to pressure you to buy.
  • Be careful of sites that appear to offer reviews of the product along with a link that allows you to purchase it. These are affiliate sites and they want to sell it to you.
  • The same goes for the so-called information sites that push a particular brand.

Garcinia Cambogia 101

Garcinia Cambogia 101

When it comes to celebrity weight loss supplements, Garcinia Cambogia has really become the talk of the town. This is, in large, due to the efforts of Dr Oz. He recommended taking the supplement and it became an overnight success. Purveyors of the extract say that it can help you to lose weight with hardly any effort at all. It is true that there is still a lot of research to be done but, for now at least, a lot of people are enjoying the benefits that Dr Oz told them about.

Where Has It Been All This Time?

Garcinia Cambogia 101Garcinia Cambogia is actually a type of fruit and it is naturally found in tropical parts of Asia, Africa and India. It is around about the size of a large orange or a smaller grapefruit and looks like a little pumpkin. The rind is green when still unripe and it ripens into a pretty red or orange color. Whilst we in the West have never heard of it before, it has been extensively used by the people in the regions where it grows as a way to help fill people up. It was this quality that prompted a scientist to research the fruit itself.

The results were encouraging when the rind, prepared traditionally through drying and curing, was analyzed. The research team found that it contained high quantities of Hydroxycitric Acid and it was this component that accounted not only for the appetite suppressant qualities but also for the fruits ability to increase the speed at which weight is lost.

Here Is What This Means For You?

HCA has been shown to prevent the production of fat in the liver and to curb appetite. It also has a positive impact on the serotonin levels in your system meaning that you feel better and more motivated to stick to eating properly. You will not only eat less but you will not feel deprived by doing so. In addition, more serotonin is bound to mean that your sleep quality improves. This is great news all round.

It also helps your system to target abdominal fat. Cortisol, released when you are stressed, has a large role to play when it comes to gaining fat around your abdomen. Because you feel more able to cope on the Garcinia, you will be able to short-circuit this process as well.

What Benefits Can You Hope For?

The HCA gets into action from the day you start to take it and the benefits build up over time. Here is what to expect:

  • A reined in appetite with no mood swings or feelings of wanting to climb walls.
  • Decreased sugar cravings because of the increase in serotonin.
  • The production of fat is short-circuited in a good way. You no longer need to worry that the sugar and starches are going to be converted into fat.
  • You can expect a better night’s sleep because of the extra serotonin your body is producing. Really maximize this by making sure that your bedroom is dark and cool.

What Dose To Take

The dosage will depend on what you want to get out of it. In general, you will be advised to take anywhere between 500mg and 1000mg before eating a meal, two three time daily and not exceeding 3000mg overall.Garcinia Cambogia 101

  • If you are worried about your appetite, 1 capsule of 500mg taken at least half an hour before breakfast, lunch and supper will suffice.
  • If you want to lose quite a lot in terms of weight, over a shorter period, you can take 3 capsules of 500mg each at least half an hour before breakfast, lunch and supper. (This is more than the recommended maximum so do keep a look out for side effects and do not carry on this way for too long.)
  • If you have a problem with raiding the fridge at night, and still have some leeway in terms of your overall intake, you can add another capsule after supper.
  • It does make sense to couple this supplement with a restricted calorie eating plan and regular exercise. By doing so you could burn an extra 500 calories a day at least.

How To Spot A Fake?

We all knows what happens when some new weight loss supplement is discovered – there are suddenly a whole heap of suppliers pushing their brand. You need to be careful because some of these products are, at best, useless and, at worst, harmful.

Take a good look at the list of ingredients. You want the pure product with as little else as possible – no more than three ingredients total is ideal. You should also be able to understand what the ingredients are and how much of each ingredient is present. Here is all that your supplement really needs:

  • Extract of Garcinia Cambogia providing 50% HCA
  • No more than 70mg Potassium

And that’s all folks – anything else is just filler and a waste of time. Just remember that the more stuff that they cram into a capsule, the less you will get of what you really want – the HCA.

Tips For Online Purchases:

As with any purchases you make online, you do need to choose a reputable company to deal with. Start off with their website. How realistic are the claims that they are making? Are they over-promising? Then chances are good that they are under-delivering as well.

Google to find reviews of the product – the ones on the site are not a good jumping off point because they are most likely paid reviews. The same can be said when it comes to reviews on affiliate sites like Amazon. Have a look at a range of different reviews and see if you can find anyone who actually returned the product. How did they find that experience?

Look at the cost for a bottle but also look at the cost per month. How long will one bottle last? In some cases, it may only last a couple of weeks so be sure to also compare the dosage as well. Do be careful about joining up for an auto-shipping club. These can be difficult to back out of. Ideally speaking, you want a bottle that will last a month and this should be around about 90 capsules.

You will need to actually give it a good go before deciding that it does or does not work. It is pointless to try the product for a week and then decide it’s useless. You  need to look at a trial of around about three months in order to see optimal results.

What To Watch Out For

Garcinia Cambogia 101Garcinia Cambogia is a natural product but the supplement hasn’t been around that long. For the most part, studies have determined that there are few, if any, side effects but not enough research can be said to have been done to really say that with 100% certainty.

There are some side effects that have not been scientifically proven to exist but that have been noted by users. Some users found that after three months they started feeling nauseas, started to have pain in their gut and got headaches. There have been a couple of cases of Hepatotoxicity but it was not possible to definitely define the supplement as the cause.

It does, however, make sense to monitor any side effects you may experience and to stick within recommended doses.

This supplement has not been proven safe to use during pregnancy so if you are pregnant or trying to fall pregnant, do not use it. You should also avoid it if you are breastfeeding. Young children should not be given the supplement.

It is best to err on the side of caution – because of the classification of the extract, there are no FDA regulations that cover it.

Is This The Answer?

Not just yet. It is a good starting point though. Maximize the benefits by eating right and exercising – that was what your body was made for. That is the key to losing significant amounts of weight with the supplement and keeping it off.

That’s not to say you need to become a gym bunny – all you need is activity that gets the heart rate up for about a half an hour a day. Whether that is walking or doing an intense spinning class is up to you. It is a good idea to vary the rate and difficulty of your workout to see optimal results.

Is it realistic to carry on eating in the same way that got you fat and still think you are going to lose it all by taking a pill? Not really – whilst you are bound to lose a little weight, amending your diet will optimize results. Once again, you don’t have to go all out in dieter’s mode. These quick tips will help:

  • Eat what you like but user smaller plates. If you eat the same amount of food off a larger plate, you brain will feel it is being done down. If the food fills a smaller plate, your brain won’t feel deprived.
  • Do try to eat real food. By this I mean, cut back on the processed rubbish. Processed food tends to taste great but it really has little nutritional value. Try swapping out a whole orange for your orange juice and look for healthy snacks like nuts and seeds to give your body the fiber and nutrients that it needs.
  • A good way to look at it is to only buy things that have less than five ingredients in total. It’s amazing how many calories you can cut by just this one step.

The Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

The Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

Dr Oz really got the world’s attention when he reviewed Garcinia Cambogia and its potential weight loss benefits on his show. Up until that point, this was simply a fruit that was only known about in the regions where it grew. It has now become an international superstar. Not bad for a plant that was relegated to supplementing curries and or two traditional uses.

Where Garcinia Cambogia Comes From

The Garcinia Cambogia FruitThe Garcinia genus is a fairly large one with around about 500 different species in all. The plant prefers a more tropical climate and is found in Australia, Asia, Africa and Polynesia. It is thought that Garcinia Cambogia originally came from Indonesia.

It was not unknown to the western world – a treatise in the 1800’s deals with the preparation of the fruit – apparently the seeds and pulp are removed and the rest is broken up and left, under cover, for a couple days to allow it to soften. Once that is accomplished, it is smoked over a few days and then hung in a bag ready for use.

The fruit of the Garcinia Cambogia is also well known in Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar – the dessicated rind being enjoyed as a pickle.

The Malabar Tamarind is the name the fruit goes by in India. It is also called Cambodge and Kudampuli.

When Is It Available In India?

It is most common in the south of the country – many of the villagers grow the trees in their gardens.

The trees fruit in the rainy season – June to August. They prefer altitudes of less than 6000 feet.

Finding Garcinia Cambogia In India

If you visit the south of the country, during fruiting season, you may be able to buy the fruit fresh. It is more common, however, to find the dessicated, smoked form for use in curries or to get it in supplement form at a health store. It is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for a number of ailments ranging from neuralgic discomfit to sleeplessness.

How To Know If the Fruit Is RipeThe Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

If the fruit is green, it has not ripened and should not be picked. The ripe fruit can take on many different hues ranging from yellow tones to bright red ones. The fruits are no longer good for consumption if they are looking dull or leathery.

What Garcinia Cambogia Tastes Like

It is somewhat of an acquired taste as it is acidic and a bit sour. This makes for a good digestive aid in terms of Ayurvedic medicine but is also makes the fruit largely unpalatable straight off the tree. Properly prepared, it makes a good, zesty, flavor enhancer.

Garcinia Cambogia’ s Nutritional Value

This is one area that has not been fully explored but if you consider its benefits there is a good chance that it has a good quantity of Vitamin C, fiber and water and is also low in terms of fat content.

Cambogia’s Health Benefits

Ayurveda lists this fruit as a useful treatment when it comes to arthritic, digestive and rheumatic disorders as well as in the treatment of diseases of the gums. It is considered a useful treatment in getting rid of parasites and is considered a purgative.

Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)

HCA is what the western scientist are most interested in as it is this that accounts for its weight loss benefits in terms of increasing the metabolism and burning of fat and in suppressing the appetite. The HCA also has a unique benefit in that it switches off the main enzyme responsible for the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. As a result, they are used as fuel.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract Tested

Garcinia Cambogia Extract Tested

It seems that there is always some flavor of the month when it comes to weight loss supplements. For most people, the Garcinia Cambogia extract would have appeared to be yet another pill to try since it appeared on the Dr Oz show. However, more than two years later, people are still raving about it so it would seem that it is here to stay.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract TestedSeveral celebrities have come out and said that this is the supplement they choose to help them with their weight. Jamie Pressly uses it to get in shape for a photo shoot.

The problem is that there are people who have not yet heard about it or are worried about it all being to good to be true.

The sad thing is that there are several brands out there that have jumped on the bandwagon since the Dr Oz show aired without any concern for how effective it is. This has led to some bad press so let’s dig a little deeper and find out what the real story is.

It Started At Dr. Oz Show

The expert on the Dr Oz show that first introduced the Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Dr Lindsey explained that it worked in a few different ways to promote weight loss. First as an agent to block the conversion of sugar to fat, then as an agent to increase the use of excess sugars as energy. In addition, it helps to slow down the rate at which sugar enters the blood and so you don’t have sugar highs and lows. According to her the extract has been proven safe.

Garcinia Cambogia Premium

Some healthy skepticism was warranted here so I decided that it was best to see for myself whether or not the supplement worked. I chose one of the more popular brands – Garcinia Cambogia Premium – the same type as the one Jamie Pressly was raving about. I liked what they offered – it ticked all the boxes in terms of what Dr Oz said was necessary, it clearly listed the ingredients and had a great refund policy that was easy to find out about. I also liked this brand because there was no other rubbish in the capsules, just Garcinia Cambogia Extract and some Potassium.

Results – actually, I was pleasantly surprised. I lost 4 pounds in the first month and didn’t really adjust my diet much. It does help to make you feel fuller and so it was easier to eat less. I also found that it didn’t make me grumpy and moody like so many of the other appetite suppressants had.

My conclusion – this works if you take some time and look for a good product. Putting in the effort upfront is definitely the way to go for those needing to see results.


Does Garcinia Cambogia Help’s Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

Does Garcinia Cambogia Help’s Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

Have you been battling to find a way to lose that baby weight fast with no success? Well this article could give you the solution to that problem and it only takes a few minutes to read. If your aim is to not only lose a good amount of weight but also to go down a few dress sizes, pay attention for a bit.

Start Off With A Healthy Supplement

Does Garcinia Cambogia Help You Lose Weight After Pregnancy?You will probably remember seeing the Garcinia Cambogia Extract being featured on the Dr Oz Show. He didn’t go into too much detail about the fruit itself and, truth be told, there isn’t that much to say.  It is a fruit that resembles a pumpkin and it is naturally found in India and Asia. Traditionally it is used in curries or as a condiment. Of course, for us, the weight loss benefits are far more interesting and that is what Dr Oz also focused on.

The study referred to in the show had some pretty astounding results. People taking the supplement lost as much as twice or three times the amount that the control group did, though all followed the same diet. This averaged out at around about 5 pounds a month.

Participants reported feeling more energetic and motivated, sleeping better, having less hunger pangs and being in a better frame of mind overall. They took 1500mg of the Garcinia Cambogia Extract every day.

You do need to be careful to choose the right extract though – always look for ones with three ingredients or less; make sure that the HCA content is at least 50% and buy from a reputable company.

There is one caveat here – if you are still breastfeeding, you should not take this supplement at all.breastfeeding

Experts do recommend increasing the amount of exercise that you do to intensify the results. This can be formal or informal – cleaning your house counts, so does shopping and gardening – you never need to set foot into a gym if you don’t want to.

The aim is to get the blood pumping and to build more lean muscle mass.

Eat Smart

Do also look at your daily diet. You pay a fair amount for the supplement, you don’t want to waste that by eating the food that got you into trouble in the first place. It doesn’t need to be anything to major – start by eating protein, a little starch and vegetables with each meal. Have fruit and nuts for snacks in between if you are hungry.

The trick is to eat food that is as close to what nature intended as possible. Go check in your cupboard now and see how many food products in there have more than 5 ingredients. Chances are it is a lot.

Even so-called health foods like fruit juices and yoghurt are problematic because of the quantities of sugar that they contain.

You want to fuel your body as best you can. Start off by switching out the fruit juice for a whole fruit. Did you know that a glass of fruit juice is basically the equivalent of six whole fruits, without the fiber? When last did you try to eat 6 whole oranges or apples?

Garcinia Cambogia Facts

Garcinia Cambogia Facts

When it comes to Garcinia Cambogia, this is truly a rags to riches story. This fruit was virtually unheard of in the western world until it was featured on the Doctor Oz show in 2012. Since then, sales have soared and it has become a very well-known weight loss supplement .

Garcinia Cambogia FactsDoes that mean it is going to help you lose weight though? If you are still confused about what Garcinia Cambogia actually is, read on for all you need to know.

What Is It?

Think of a really small pumpkin and you will have an idea of what the fruit looks like. It starts off green but goes yellow or red when ripening. It has long been held in esteem in traditional recipes as a spice or to help preserve foods.

Ayurvedic practitioners have also been using it for centuries as a useful laxative and to help with problems in the digestive tract.

The only real interest that the western world has though is that it is good for helping you to slim down.

Where Does It Come From?

It grows in the more tropical, humid climes and thus does well in the tropical areas of India, Asia, the Southern most points of Africa and Australia.

What Else Is Garcinia Cambogia Called?

You might, depending on where you are, see it listed as Brindle/ Brindal Berry, Assam, Gambooge, Cambogia Gummi-Guta, Garcinia Cambogi, G. Quaesita, Kankusta, Gorikapuli, Mangostana Cambogia, Malabar Tamarind, Tamarinier de Malabar, Vrikshamla or Tamarind.

How Does Taking Garcinia Cambogia Benefit You?

Here are just some of the effects that the Garcinia extract has:

  • Fat production is cut significantly.Garcinia Cambogia Facts
  • Your appetite for food becomes less.
  • Your brain produces more serotonin, making it easier to stop binging.
  • Your overall mood improves.
  • You will sleep better and also have higher energy levels.
  • Sugar cravings will be kept at bay.
  • Your blood pressure and cholesterol levels will improve.
  • Your immunity is boosted.

How Does It Work?

The primary active ingredient is HCA and this is what provides all the benefits described above.

HCA is responsible for blocking the action of Citrate Lyase – the enzyme responsible for converting the starches and sugars you eat into lipids. Because it blocks this process, the HCA is effectively quashing fat production.

It also helps to boost the production of serotonin in the brain. This is vitally important because, if levels are low, you are more likely to feel depressed and less likely to feel motivated to eat right.

Is All This Too Good To Be True?

There is still a lot of research to be done but the studies that have been conducted up to now have proven that it may be an effective way to win the battle of the bulge.

According to Dr Oz, it is the “Holy grail” when it comes to supplements to help with weight loss.

How To Use Garcinia Cambogia?

To experience the weight loss effects of Garcinia Cambogia then any supplement should be taken around 30 minutes before meals.

You should follow the instruction provided by whichever supplement you have chosen to use. It is important never to use more than the stated dosage to avoid any ill effects.

What Dosage Do You Take?Garcinia Cambogia Facts

Start off by looking for a supplement that contains the pure extract of Garcinia Cambogia and no fillers or binders. You also need to ensure that there is an HCA content of at least 50% – this is the minimum needed for efficacy.

You should be taking it three times a day, at least 30 minutes before each of your main meals. You can choose a dosage of 500mg – 1000mg per meal. The maximum dose per day is 3000mg.

What About Safety Issues?

Garcinia Cambogia is a natural supplement so, as long as you choose a pure supplement without a lot of other junk in it and you do not exceed 3000mg a day, you ought to be perfectly safe.

Do look for a supplement that gives a clear list of ingredients and a clear indication of how much of each ingredient is contained in each capsule.

Are There Side Effects?

The good news is that the side effects are rare. There are, however, some that you may experience – these include nausea, diarrhea and headaches. Usually if you start off with a smaller dose and work your way up to the maximum dose, you won’t have a problem.

If, however, you are a nursing mother, are pregnant or are using insulin or statins, you need to avoid this supplement. This is also true if you suffer from any type of dementia.

Does It Have A Stimulatory Effect?

It will increase your energy levels but it is not actually a stimulant so it won’t leave you with the jitters or feeling edgy.

Can I Use Garcinia Cambogia While I am Pregnant?

This is not recommended. You should also not use it if you are still nursing.

Will It Impact On My Birth Control?

It probably will not but you should chat to your doctor or a clinic nurse to find out whether or not it might impact on your brand.Garcinia Cambogia Facts

Will I Get The Runs?

In general, this is not a common occurrence and is normally as a result of taking too much.

Am I Going to be on Edge?

Unlike artificial appetite suppressants, you are more likely to feel relaxed rather than on edge.

Will It Impact My Blood Sugar?

Yes, it will but in a positive way – that is why people on insulin are advised not to take it. It balances your blood sugar. If you are taking insulin at the same time, you could end up with blood sugar levels that are too low.

Does It Increase Blood Pressure?

No, it actually helps to normalize it.

Is There Caffeine In It?

No, there is no stimulants of any sort, including caffeine.

Where Do I Get A Bottle?

There are a number of vendors online and in health food shops – you just need to keep an eye out.

What you need to look for in a supplement is the following:

  • At least 50% HCA, more is better.
  • If there are other ingredients, the amounts of each should be clear.
  • There should not be artificial fillers.
  • Look for one that is reasonably priced.

Garcinia Cambogia Uses

Garcinia Cambogia Uses

The Garcinia Cambogia fruit is found naturally in Southeast Asia, some parts of Africa and in Southern India. This fruit has been an important part of traditional medicine for centuries and is credited with several health benefits.

Many and varied studies have proven that the fruit contains high levels of anti-oxidants. What has brought it to mainstream focus, however, is the Hydroxycitric Acid, found to be useful for promoting the loss of weight.

What Garcinia Cambogia Is Used For

Garcinia Cambogia UsesThose using it to help them lose weight say that it is a very good appetite suppressant, that it revs up the metabolism, stops fat accumulating and helps to target dangerous belly fat.

It is also traditionally known to help with the following:

  • Upset stomach
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Ulcers
  • High levels of LDL Cholesterol

Garcinia Cambogia’s Benefits

At the moment, the fruit has really mainly only been studied for its effects in terms of weight loss – the health benefits have largely been ignored. There is still, however, some proof that it does benefit health and well-being. Here is what some of the studies that have been done have to say:

  • It is thought that Garcinia Cambogia may help in protecting against the development of obesity. A study in 2005, for example, proved that the supplement helps to prevent the accumulation of fat in rodents. Another study conducted in 2008 discovered that it helped to prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat in rodents. (This type of fat is particularly dangerous when it comes to increasing the risk of developing severe health problems like Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.)Garcinia Cambogia Uses
  • A study also conducted in 2008 led to the discovery that, when taken along with Glucomannan, G. Cambogia could show cholesterol lowering benefits. This study has 58 participants with one group taking a placebo and one group taking the Garcinia/ Glucomannan combination over a 3 month period. When the results were totaled, those taking the combination had much better levels of cholesterol.
  • It should be noted that this study is not conclusive in terms of the Cambogia extract as it was taken in conjunction with something else. The participants also did not find that this combination helped them to lose weight.
  • A study conducted in 2003 showed encouraging results when it came to getting diabetes under control as the G. Cambogia seemed to assist with improving the metabolism of the blood sugar.
  • Though not yet confirmed in humans, animal trials conducted in 2002 have shown promising results when it come to the treatment of ulcers. The Garcinia extract reduces the overall stomach acidity levels and so could help with ulcers.

Is It Safe?

Garcinia Cambogia UsesAt this point, there has not been enough research into the extract to say for certain but it does appear that it has no dangerous side effects in the short term at least. Anecdotal evidence suggests that using it may lead to an upset stomach, headaches and nausea. It is thus advised that you start taking the absolute minimum dosage and work your way up. If you do experience intense negative side effects, you should stop using the product.

Is There Another Option?

There are other studies that advise the use of different natural supplements to help you lose weight. It has recently been shown that increasing your consumption of green tea and making sure that you get the right amount of Vitamin D could be beneficial when it comes to weight loss. Studies have also shown that practicing exercise types that also engage the mind, such as Tai Chi and Yoga can also be invaluable when it comes to losing weight.

Where You Can Get Garcinia Cambogia

There is no difficulty in sourcing this product – check at your local drug or health store or online.

Garcinia Cambogia For Teens

Garcinia Cambogia For Teens

When it comes to the most popular supplements to help you lose weight, Garcinia Cambogia Extract ranks top of most people’s lists. The extract even has Dr Oz’s stamp of approval. On hearing about it, I decided to do my own homework as to whether or not it was good for young adults and teenagers as well. My research turned up some interesting facts and has convinced me that this extract is the safest and most effective for teenagers. Here’s what I learned:

Garcinia Cambogia – What Is That?

Garcinia Cambogia For TeensOkay, so unless you are from somewhere in Asia, you’ve probably never heard of it. It is actually a fruit that looks a little like a pumpkin – but much smaller. In fact, it has been used for years in Malaysia as an ingredient in soups that are eaten just before the main meal. Ever wondered why you don’t see a lot of overweight Malaysians? Now you know.

Hydroxy- What?

Hydroxycitric Acid is what makes this such an effective weight loss aid. This is found in the fruit’s rind.

Wanted A Safe Way To Lose Weight As A Teenager?

Let’s face it, going on diet is no fun at all – you can’t meet your friends for a burger at the mall and you miss out on a lot of fun activities as a result. That’s probably why diets very seldom work. Well, here is the solution – the Garcinia Cambogia will help to curb your appetite so you will naturally eat less. You do have to do your bit and try to eat better but the extract makes that a lot easier.

There is no more feeling miserable and hungry on diet anymore – the extract will help with the hunger pangs and help you to feel better too. No more dieting blues for you. All you have to do is start waiting for the compliments to roll in on your weight loss.

Personally, I’ keep them guessing as to what my secret is – Garcinia Cambogia extract is so popular today that your parents might want to take yours for themselves!

How It Works – The Clip Noteslose-weight-fast

  • It reduces the fat your body makes.
  • It decreases your appetite.
  • You not only feel full more quickly but also for longer periods.

How It Works – The Full Explanation

  • The body needs Citrate Lyase in order to convert carbohydrates into fat. HCA stops this enzyme from working and so the body needs to burn the carbs instead and you have more energy. It is also good for your health as the levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the blood drop.
  • HCA also amps up your body’s production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and it is what is often used in happy pills. If you are an emotional or stress eater, this is going to help you out. You are going to feel better and less likely to want to binge. It also makes coping a lot easier.

The Proof

Of course, you don’t have to just take my word for it, there are a lot of studies that have been done on Garcinia Cambogia. In one study, some participants took HCA at 1320mg daily for two months. All the participants were put on the same calorie restricted diet. Those taking the supplement lost more than double what the others did. In other studies, weight loss has been tripled. It’s hard not to like G.C. now, isn’t it?

Garcinia Cambogia For TeensSafety First

There are some rules though:

  • Don’t exceed the recommended maximum dose. It is safe within these parameters.
  • It is not advisable for a woman who is pregnant or nursing to take it.
  • If you are on some form of medication for lowering you cholesterol or blood sugar, you need to consult your doctor before taking this drug.

Recommended Dosage

Look for a supplement that has at least 50% HCA – anything below that is a waste of time. You would take between 500mh and 1000mg at least half an hour before each main meal. Take with a glass of water. Do not take more than 3000mg a day – you can get too much of a good thing. Look for a supplement that is as pure as possible. Just the extract and maybe some Potassium but no other ingredients.

What To Expect

Teenagers can safely expect to lose at least 2-4 pounds in the first month, with no other changes to their lifestyle. If you feel you would like to lose more, start a healthy eating plan and also start an exercise program.

Take the capsules a half an hour before you eat your main meals and make sure that you do not take more than 3000mg daily. If you are on some form of medication that you take regularly, check with your health care practitioner before you start taking this.

That said, this has proven to be a safe and effective supplement in doses up to 3000mg a day.  If your parents want to check it out, refer them to Dr Oz’s program or the tons of articles online.

Quick Recap for Successful Weight Loss for Teens

  • Take the Garcinia Cambogia at least half an hour before eating breakfast, lunch and supper.
  • Monitor your portion size.
  • Eat three meals a day – every day.
  • Get moving a bit – find some activity you enjoy and get your body moving.

Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Work?

Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Work?

If you are like me, you are probably a little bit wary of all the claims made by the companies producing the latest and greatest supplements to help you lose weight. When it comes to Garcinia Cambogia, you are forgiven for exhibiting some skeptism –  after all, can one supplement really have that much impact?Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Work?

Looking into it, it does seem like something out of a fairy tale – after all, take these little pills and the weight starts dropping off. Rationally it is hard to accept.

The truth is that there are some very real benefits when it comes to Garcinia Cambogia but it does take some time to take effect – there really is no such thing as an overnight solution to weight gain.

You still need to eat better and get the right amount of exercise. This boosts the effects of the Garcinia beautifully and helps you get into healthy lifestyle habits that will stay with you long after you stop taking the supplement. Whilst you will see some results without making lifestyle adjustments, why would you want to? After all, your sedentary lifestyle and current eating habits haven’t worked out that well for you, have they?

The way that Garcinia Cambogia works is actually quite interesting. One of the best benefits is that is suppresses your appetite. (This makes it easier to stick to that healthy eating plan.)

Some people battle with cravings for snacks that feel a lot like hunger, others battle to stop eating once they start. Here this supplement can help. As long as you look at it as an aid and not some kind of miracle cure, you’ll be fine.

What Is Healthy Eating?

Come now, you know this one – eat your 9 servings of fruit and veggies a day; have protein at every meal; and limit the amount of starches that you eat. You can have three main meals and two snacks a day, if you are hungry.

Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Work?The key is to steer clear, as far as possible, of foods that are highly refined or processed. Nuts and seeds, fruit, leaner cuts of meat and whole foods are what you should be aiming to eat.

What Exercise Should I Be Doing?

The good news, you do not have to spend all day at the gym. All you need is around about half an hour of exercise a day. It doesn’t need to be intense, as long as you increase your heart rate during that time. In fact, if you are breathless and unable to speak, you are working too hard and need to dial it back a notch. Why not take the dogs for a walk or go for a quick bike ride.

To Sum Up

Garcinia Cambogia is an extremely useful aid when it comes to fighting fat, as long as you also diet and exercise whilst using it. It is helpful because it blunts your appetite – you no longer have to constantly think about eating. It also gives you the energy to exercise.

Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss

Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss

It seems that Dr Oz is always n the lookout for new supplements that can help us be healthier. It was no surprise then when he introduced the Garcinia Cambogia Extract. What was a surprise is how this fruit went from relative obscurity in terms of the western world to one of the most sought after weight loss supplements.

Garcinia Cambogia For Weight LossThis fruit is grown in S.E. Asia, India and some parts of Africa and is popular as a flavor enhancer. It has a pretty sour taste so is usually smoked or pickled before being used. In complementary treatments it is valued for its purgative properties.

Garcinia Cambogia For Losing Weight:

  • The National Cancer Institute commissioned a study into the effects of the extract on fat and insulin levels in the blood. The study lasted a month and it was found that the extract assisted in reducing the levels of both substances.
  • A similar study was conducted on rats treated with ethanol and it was found that the extract prevented a rise in the levels of fat both in their liver tissue and blood.
  • It was also found that the levels of serotonin were increased.
  • A human-based trial conducted in 1998 with 150 participants concluded that the Garcinia Cambogia Extract reduces two different fat types.
  • It was also noted that the accumulation of abdominal fat was reduced. This is a particularly dangerous type of fat that packs around your internal organs and increases your risk of serious illness substantially.
  • The extract also helped to stop the accumulation of fat under the skin – especially in those areas where cellulite is rife.
  • The way it works is by inhibiting the body’s ability to convert sugars and starches into fats. What happens instead is that these are burnt as energy and you thus have a lot more energy and feel a lot healthier.
  • Another action that is beneficial is that the extract helps speed up your metabolic rate because it causes the production of glycogen from the carbs. It is glycogen that helps to reduce your levels of triglycerides or bad cholesterol.
  • It is also beneficial when it comes to high blood pressure and other illnesses associated with being overweight.That is why a lot of fitness buffs such as bodybuilders want a supplement that has the extract in it – it helps to remove fat and increase muscle mass.
  • If you cannot follow a strict diet or don’t want to be stuck in the gym for hours a day, the Garcinia Cambogia extract can help reduce your overall body fat percentage.
  • Garcinia Cambogia For Weight LossIt also assists with the depression that so often accompanies being overweight because it increase the body’s output of serotonin.
  • Serotonin is not known as the feel good hormone for nothing. If levels are low – a common outcome when we are eating a lot of junk food, you will feel anxious, depressed and will battle to sleep well.
  • Most of the time we snack because the food tastes good or because we want to. We do not always need to be hungry to snack – a fact that many emotional eaters can attest to. The reason is that this causes a temporary reaction in the brain that makes you feel a lot better. With the extract, however, you will not need to soothe yourself with food because you will have enough serotonin in your brain.

How Much To Take

Most brands recommend taking between 1000mg to 1500mg a day. You should never, however, exceed 3000mg a day or you will risk some nasty side effects such as nausea, headaches, vomiting, etc. Should these symptoms manifest, it is a good idea to go and see your doctor.